Check your PR! Educational tool for communication analysis

We have developed a free tool that will allow you to verify the communication carried out by your organisation. This solution is primarily educational in nature and is intended to help those who will use it to better understand the functioning of PR within the entity they represent. The communication survey is our own project, which has covered under its media patronage.
– Most organisations, regardless of their scale, as well as their approach to communication, face all sorts of challenges in this area. In order to address them, they often need significant resources or additional manpower that… is not available. In a sense, our tool provides an opportunity to audit activities, and the conclusions can be a very good basis for introducing improvements or modifications to existing activities,’ says Łukasz Wójcik, Partner at TAILORS Group. ’ The key thing is that conducting such an analysis does not involve any costs, but only the investment of a moment of time in filling in the questionnaire.
The communication survey consists of dozens of questions and has been prepared in the form of an online questionnaire (link to the survey), which, due to its detail, should be filled in by the person in charge of PR activities at the company. In the first part, respondents indicate, among other things, the size and type of company and the position held. Then, in the main part of the survey, they answer questions related to the company’s structure, responsibility for particular issues, approach and characteristics of the PR activities carried out. Depending on the answers given, the tool guides the respondent along the chosen path. These paths are numerous and automatically adapt to the specifics of the organisation the respondent represents.
– We analysed over a hundred companies for which our experts had worked in the past. In each of them, we found something interesting, a different perspective or approach to selected issues. And on this basis, we created a broad catalogue of issues, which we organised in the form of a coherent questionnaire ,’ adds Łukasz Wójcik.
The questionnaire is fully anonymous (there is no need to give the name of the organisation you represent or your first and last name), and it takes about 20 minutes to complete. You can also stop answering at any time and return to the survey. On the basis of your answers, the TAILORS Group experts will prepare a free Communication Diagnosis of your organisation, which will be sent exclusively to the e-mail address provided in the questionnaire. Questions about the survey can be asked via the dedicated email address